Constitution & Rules:


1.1. The name of the Club shall be the NADDER COMMUNITY LAND TRUST 200 CLUB (hereinafter referred to as 'the Club').

1.2. The purpose of the Club is to raise funds, with the excess over expenditure being to the benefit of the Nadder Community Land Trust (hereinafter referred to as the NCLT).


2.1. The Club shall have a maximum share/unit membership of 200.

2.2. The Club shall operate as a Small Society Lottery in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005, and shall be registered as a Small Society Lottery with Wiltshire Council.

2.3. Membership shall be determined by regular donations to the Club, one monthly share/unit shall be £5.00 (five pounds) paid by standing order, (or in exceptional circumstances by such other means that the Governing Committee may, at its discretion determine) into the Club's bank account by the 3rd day of each month, or in advance.

2.4. One member may hold more than one share/unit. Each share/unit shall be allocated a number between 1 and 200.

2.5. Members of the Club need not be members of the NCLT.

2.6. Members of the Governing Committee and their partners shall not be eligible for membership.

2.7. Membership of the Club shall be open to individuals who have completed an application form, whose membership has been approved by the Governing Committee, and shall commence from the date of the first donation to the Club and shall continue until terminated by an individual member, or by the Governing Committee of the Club.

2.8. Membership of the Club shall be deemed to have lapsed should the members monthly donation fall into arrears of two months.

2.9. Subject to rule 2.1, new members may be invited to join the Club at any stage after its commencement, should any vacancies occur.


3.1. Membership of the Club shall entitle members to participate in monthly and Winter draws for prizes.

3.2. The numbers and value of prizes will depend on the number of eligible units in issue at the time of the draw, and will be set out as in paragraph 3.3 below. This may be changed at the discretion of the Governing Committee. Notice of such changes will be given via the NCLT website and through the secretary of the NCLT.

3.3. The prizes shall be as follows : between 18.96% (eighteen point nine six per cent) and 68.62% (sixty eight point six two per cent) of income less expenses shall be distributed as prizes as described in the following table, where:

3.3.1. for Monthly prizes the Paid up Membership shall be the number of Club members on the 10th working day of the month in which the draw

takes place; and

3.3.2. for Winter prizes the Paid up Membership shall be the number of Club

members on the 10th working day of December:

Paid up membership Monthly prize of £100.00 Monthly prize of £50.00 Monthly prize of £25.00

Winter prize of £200.00 Winter prize of £100.00 Winter prize of £50.00

0 - 50 members None None None

51-100 members ONE ONE ONE

101 - 150 members ONE ONE ONE

151 - 200 members ONE ONE ONE

3.4. Draws for the monthly prizes shall be held by the Secretary/Treasurer or members of the Governing Committee between the 10th (tenth) and 12th (twelfth) working day of each month, with the aim to hold these at NCLT events/meetings wherever possible; subject to there being more than 50 shares/units in issue.

3.5. Draws for the Winter prizes shall be held by the Secretary/Treasurer or members of the Governing Committee between the 10th (tenth) and 12th (twelfth) working day of December each year.

3.6. Winners shall also be notified by post and/or email. Payment will be made by BACS or cheque. Winning numbers shall also be published on the NCLT website. Lists of winners will also be available from the Secretary of the Governing Committee and at NCLT Board meetings.


4.1. The Club shall be administered by a Governing Committee, which shall be a sub- Committee of, and all members shall be appointed by, the NCLT Board, subject to the provision that only one member of the Governing Committee shall be a current member of the NCLT Board. The NCLT Board is empowered to deal with all matters of the Club, including its cessation and winding up.

4.2. The Governing Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary/Treasurer and one other committee member. One member of the Governing Committee shall act as the 'Promoter' of the Club in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 11, Part 4 of the Gambling Act 2005, and the Promoter's name and address shall appear on all Club documents issued to members.

4.3. The Governing Committee's decision shall be deemed final in all matters.

4.4. The Constitution and Rules of the Club may only be changed by way of a resolution of the NCLT Board.

4.5. The Governing Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year, and such meetings may be held using video or other electronic means of communication (where members of the Governing Committee need not be present in the same location) provided that each member can hear, and be heard by other Governing Committee members.


5.1. Accounts of the Club shall be kept separately from those of the NCLT. Accounts of the Club shall be presented to the NCLT Annual General Meeting.

5.2. The timings and amounts of transfers of any surpluses to the NCLT shall be determined by the Governing Committee.

5.3. The bankers of the Club shall be the Co-operative Bank, or as otherwise directed by the NCLT Board; signatories to the bank account shall be

determined by the NCLT Board.