The board is composed entirely of volunteers and they play an important role in ensuring that NCLT stays true to the wishes of the local community and to its charitable objects. Under NCLT’s rules the Board’s specific role is to direct the affairs of the NCLT in accordance with its objects and rules and in particular to:
Set and ensure compliance with the objects, values, vision mission and strategic objectives of the CLT, ensuring its long term success
Appoint, and if necessary, dismiss the chief executive and approve his or her salary, benefits and terms of employment
Satisfy itself as to the integrity of financial information, approving each year’s budget and business plan and annual accounts prior to publication
Establish, oversee and review annually a framework of delegation and systems of internal control
Establish and oversee a risk management framework in order to safeguard the assets of the CLT
Take appropriate advice
Ensure that at any time when the CLT is registered with the Regulator as a provider of social housing, that it takes account of any obligation imposed upon the CLT by the Regulator in exercise of its powers
Satisfy itself that the CLT’s affairs are conducted in accordance with generally accepted standards of performance and propriety
Establish and operate a performance appraisal system for the Board, the chair and individual Board Members
NCLT is required by its rules to have a policy setting out the role of Board Members. For further details, see Governance Policy 06 (Board Members).
You can find out who is currently on our board, below.