Become a member

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We want as many people as possible to be involved in this exciting community venture. Currently, we have over 250 local people who have joined as members.


Membership gives you the opportunity to take part in this project from the beginning

  • You could provide voluntary help with setting up and running the CLT

  • You will also be invited to attend and vote at the first NCLT AGM

  • You can receive regular updates and newsletters on the project as it progresses

  • Or simply help spread the word of this new organisation to attract more members and support

NCLT is an open membership, not-for-profit organisation. Any individual over 18 who lives or works in the Tisbury area can join.*

Membership costs just £1.22 for life.  We will contact those interested in membership for their payment preferences.

*Please note the geographical scope of NCLT may expand in due course, but in the initial phases we will be concentrating on finding and developing sites for affordable housing for local people in the Tisbury area.