NCLT is a community-based (not-for-profit) charity that seeks to bring low-cost, community-led development in the Nadder Valley in South West Wiltshire, initially concentrating on the identified needs for Tisbury. The goal is long term, to ensure that new housing remains in community ownership forever and it is genuinely based on what people actually want and can afford.

We had a great turnout of an engaged audience from Tisbury residents and representatives from neighbouring parishes at our inaugural Public Meeting at Nadder Centre Tisbury in September 2018 (for details click here).

The Old Sports Centre - Come and take look at the plans on Saturday 4th December ……

Thank you to everyone who took part in our recent consultation on the Old Sports Centre site. We have had a terrific response, with 238 responses (amounting to around 10% of Tisbury's population). .

Most of these replies were completed online but we also were able to reach those less familiar with the online world with our Saturday morning presence in the High Street. We’d like to thank Ione Lacey and our local County Councillor Nick Errington for taking the trouble to organise this and give the entire community the opportunity to have its say.

We have now completed the analysis of the results and you can find a copy on here. If you have time, please do take a look.

In summary there was overwhelming support for the use of the site for community-led affordable housing. In addition the survey reveals the things that are important to the community in the delivery of this project and the pitfalls to avoid. It's notable the number of responses that mentioned the importance of the provision of green spaces and that the trees on the site should remain.

Other notable comments pointed to:

  • a strong preference for homes which offer enough space, with 66% of responses favouring homes which offer at least 2 bedrooms and 79% highlighting the importance of gardens

  • high priority for homes which are zero-carbon and environmentally friendly

  • a strong desire that homes should be ‘part of Tisbury’ and built to last, using materials and designs which blend in with the adjacent Wyndham Estate and the rest of the village.

  • the need to carefully consider traffic, safety and the needs of St. John’s Primary School

Finally, many commented that homes should be genuinely affordable in perpetuity, for the benefit of future generations.

Come and see us on Saturday 4th December …..

We will be holding a small exhibition of initial plans for the development in the Tisbury Parish Council offices on Tisbury High Street (opposite the Bennet) on Saturday 4th December all day from 10.00 am as part of Tis the Season. . Please do come and have a look and give us your view

Please note that our project has no connection with the Station Works Site, where proposals for a speculative, for-profit development have been put forward by a private, Bournemouth-based company called "Tisbury Community Homes".